
Andrina Bollinger

«Exciting live music, poetry and performance for the whole family.»

Andrina Bollinger Vocals, Piano, Synthesizer, GuitarJules Martinet BassArthur Hnatek Drum Kit
Experiencing music together is at the heart of the family concert series at Moods. There is something for everyone, so there are no children's songs, just interactive concerts that invite you to dance and marvel. In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, families have the opportunity to explore the colourful world of musical styles together and get caught up in the excitement.

An exciting live experience of music, poetry and performance: Andrina Bollinger invites you into her castle, her garden, her world full of secrets and thoughts. She sings with a unique, earthy voice that alternates between singing, shouting and humming. Accompanied by drummer Arthur Hnatek and bassist Jules Martinet, she plays synthesizer, Telecaster guitar and drums.

Children of all ages are welcome to this concert.
We try to keep the volume at a reasonable level, but we still recommend ear protection for the little ones.
Children under 12 can attend the concert free of charge, but we ask that you reserve a free ticket in the system.
Young people aged 12-16 pay half price.

Can't afford a ticket? Email us at info@moods.ch.

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