

Adalu Tropical

A hot-stepping and spiritual voyage across the African diaspora

Jabu Morales Vocals, PercussionAlberto Becucci AccordionRicardo Quinteria GuitarFrancesco Valente BassWalter Martins PercussionTimoteo Grignani Percussion
Ayom are musical sailors who cross the black Atlantic from Brazil to Angola and Cape Verde with a distinctly Mediterranean identity. Their sound is a blend of Brazilian, Afro-Latin and Afro-Lusitanian sounds played with irresistible verve, as if the tropical sun were piercing dark clouds. The name Ayom refers to the Lord of Music who exists in Afro-Brazilian mithology (Candomblè) in Tambor and taught people how to make music and sing. The multicultural band consists of six members from Brazil, Angola, Italy and Greece, with the Brazilian singer and percussionist Jabu Morales at the center.

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