
Kala Jula – Samba Diabaté & Vincent Zanetti

Samba Diabaté GuitarVincent Zanetti Guitar, KoraJacky Molard Violin, ViolaHélène Labarrière Bass
Kala Jula brings together Samba Diabaté, one of Bamako's most popular guitarists, with multi-instrumentalist and Djembe master, Vincent Zanetti. The Swiss-Mali duo newly interprets the music of the Mandingo tradition through blending of West African sounds with blues and jazz. In their current project, «Mande Kulu», the two musicians collaborate with violinist Jacky Molar and bassist Hélène Labarrière from France. Together, the four take the audience on a musical journey through the Nomadic culture of African countries.

Supported by SüdKulturFonds

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